Become a Partner

Become a Lunar Fest 2018 Partner, Year of the DOG!


With the economy hitting the non-profits hard in the past few years, we are in need more than ever to get your assistance in funding this fantastic program.  Patrons will enjoy your recognition and pride for supporting the diversification of the community. As a Sponsor, you will also develop their image by supporting Riverside’s substantial Asian Pacific Islander population. All patrons will enjoy the benefit of having your image associated with the economic development of Riverside’s downtown.


Our goals for the future are to also incorporate an Asian Pacific Cultural Center in the Inland Region.  This center will house the diverse heritages of the various countries throughout Asia and the South Pacific.  A home away from home as well as a place to educate, commemorate and celebrate an array people from our Inland Community.


Donations are also welcomed, $5, 10, 20, or 100… every dollar helps.  Remember this is a community event lead by community leaders throughout the Inland Region.  Everyone affiliated with Lunar Fest and other programs under APCA are all volunteers.



Step 1: Download the Lunarfest Sponsorship Commitment Form click on the image to enlarge and print


sponsorship commitment form 2018










benefits page 2018





Step 2: Fill out all the information required and fax, email, or mail your commitment form to:


APCA Lunar Fest, 231 E. Alessandro Blvd. #A194, Riverside, CA 92508


Step 3: We will follow up with you upon receipt of your form!



Sponsor Online! Email the Sponsorship Commitment form to  and donate via the button below within 24 hours of sending in the form.


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