We are always looking for great volunteers who appreciate our cause.
Please keep us in mind when you need to work community service hours or are just wanting to give back to the community.
If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:
2017 Riverside Lunar Festival Volunteer Registration
Thank you for volunteering for the 7th Annual Riverside Lunar Festival January 28, 2017! Please complete the following registration form. We will contact you regarding a volunteer orientation and assignments via email or a phone call . Photo release and parental consent forms can be found below, and is also available via email, or during orientation. If you have any questions please contact Roxana Castro at roxanabcastro@gmail.com/ or Leanna Apodaca at leannajapodaca@att.net/ .
Remember if you are under 18 years old, Please print and have a parent or guardian sign the REQUIRED documents below.
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